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Comparing coaching methods: What service is best for you?

services Oct 01, 2022


The terms fitness coach, health coach, personal trainer, wellness coach, and even "coach" are common titles often thrown around interchangeably. This can make it difficult for people to know which service they need - and what's legit. As a health, fitness, and nutrition coach, I see this all the time. 

People know they want to feel better and be healthier but don't know where to turn or what they need. These days, there's so much information online. So, if you just need some workouts and meal plans, have at it - Google away. But, if you need something a little more - a coach, a mentor, nutrition specific to YOU, exercise tailored for your lifestyle, motivation, analytics, and tracking, then maybe a coach is right for you. ⁠

The New Age: Remote vs. In-Person Coaching

In-Person Coaching: This is hands-on coaching where we meet face-to-face. I guide you through each exercise, correct your form, and provide real-time feedback. Perfect if you thrive on immediate interaction. Bonus for Atlanta locals: we offer InBody tests for a detailed body composition analysis.

Remote Coaching: This is NOT a Zoom version of in-person coaching. Instead, you receive weekly individually designed fitness program via mobile app with unlimited communication to your personal Coach. You complete the workouts on your own, at your home or local gym. It's like always having your Coach in your back pocket, giving you the freedom to workout when and where it's convenient for you.

The Perks: What You Get 

With both in-person and remote coaching, clients receive:

  • 1-on-1 personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and behavior coaching
  •  Unlimited remote/at-home workouts create specifically for you and your goals
  • 30 min monthly check-in with your Coach
  • Convenient mobile app for increased accountability and progress tracking between workouts
  • A personalized sleep, stress management, and recovery plan
  • InBody test and body composition analysis (for those in the Atlanta area)

Health and Wellness Coaching 

To put it bluntly, if your lifestyle, nutrition, and behaviors are out of whack (no shame - we've all been there), you are best served with Health and Wellness Coaching. When we try to create a habit or lifestyle change, we often think, "What can I do on my best day?" This mindset causes us to create a habit that is often too challenging, which leads to unsustainability. So, when my clients are beginning, I ask them, "What can you do on your worst day?" Ask yourself that and see how your mindset changes and your habits form. ⁠

Through health and wellness coaching, clients meet with me every two weeks for 30 minutes. Here is an overview of what is offered: 

  • 1-1 habit-based and personalized nutrition, lifestyle, and behavior coaching 
  • 30 min check-in and re-consultation with your coach every two weeks. 
  • A customized sleep, stress management, and recovery plan
  • InBody Test and Body Composition Analysis (for those in the Atlanta area) 

My approach is all about meeting you right where you are on your health journey. Just as each coaching plan is meticulously tailored to your unique needs, pinpointing the ideal coaching style for you is crucial. If you're uncertain about what you need, I offer complimentary consultations to dive deeper into my coaching methods and help you discover the perfect fit. After all, the journey to your best self begins with taking that first step!

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